The linear paths are not the ultimate reality.
Logic is just one path of understanding relity, and a very simple form of thought association.
Logic is the base of evolution, and is the tool of common sence.
But life has much vaster dimensions.
When one dares to stand beyond that border, looking therfore from the unconventional prospective, then the picture rearranges itself into silence, into emptiness.
And from there any mystery has open doors to manifest itself.
Logic is indeed a precious state of mind, the state of mind of the climber, but it is only "a" state of mind.
Common people look at life through only the window of moral and logic, then they are in the ordinary, they are in the mass, their individuality is shallow.
But then life sometimes put infront of them a breakthrough functional event, a dramatic shuffling of the cards ... then your are forced to look beyond the limits of ordaniry awarness, then there is the chance for an existential transformation.
Logic is a basic program, it is like Atari compared to Machintosh. Yes they use the same procedures and protocols, but one is tapping into a small pool of spiritual resources, the other one tappes into alternative and ordinary resources.
Yet it is only the beginning, beyond which exist much more interesting and complex dimensions.
In the creativity process there is a point in which you need to throw your cards off the table and look at the game with a fresh prospective.
Existential matters, being the ultimate form of creativity, follow the same thread of insight. Only after you break through the frame that you builded or that was builded around you, then one can truly reach the core of the matter.
It is a universal rule of the light language, any being applies to it.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Beyond Logic
Posted by
11:12 AM
Labels: inspirational
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Life as a battle
Life is a battle,
a landscape where attentivness is required for the most aware action.
It is a reflection of the spirit, of eachone awarness.
It is a mirror in which each one can look to grow, to understand itself and to expand its awarness beyond the limits at hand.
It is a matter of tremendous responsability to look into life's challenge, without falling into blame, without being engaged in the game of the mind and its separation, and to find only the self, to see only the self, unfolding on itself in all the forms that this human dimension provides.
The battle is that of love, is that of the acceptance required to embrace any opposite, any extreme, any challenge.
It is the battle of the attentivness, of the pure intention of truth, that brings a being look under every stone, untill the ultimate face of reality is uncovered.
It is the challenge of the light, embodied in each being, to illuminate reality beyond its illusions, and to meet the "game" in fullness, acceptance and attentivness. Enlighten of the sparkle of life, nurished by the source of joy that the state resonates.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Labels: inspirational
Friday, August 17, 2007
Living in an unfolding mistery
In the flowering of life, the journey is allways in its mistery, in the unknown. The attentivness required makes us what we are form of life, living, surviving, participating, growing, competing cooperating.
That sense of sharpness within is ultimatly the perception of life in its fullness.
The meaningless of the journey lays upon its simplicity. The value is in the quality of the participation produced.
Posted by
8:32 AM
Labels: Observation
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The warrior thing
The impeccability shined by performing the more aware response at any given circumstances, as a gift of honor to life, and to your own self.
And the plesure that the souls feeds on, being the prize and the fuel for the repetition of this attempt.
Time gives then the span of growth for the art that the spirit requires. The art of living.
It is not a fight against weakness, it is a recognition
a spiritual recognition that the joy of refining the tools of the self is the more intelligent response to life that happens in any body, guest of a precence of consciousness.
This definition itself creates the pattern to understand the intelligence that we are and its choices.
Constant evolution to an higher ground.
Posted by
9:15 PM
Ianus has been the spirit of the Door keeper of the "eteric" dimension, and its myth code, in anchient Rome.
It is used here out of the cultural context, but its roots have a relevance for the choice.
It has been rapresented with a two faced male figure, one looking in front (outwards) to the entering quest, one looking backwords (inwards) to the spirit realm.
It is a guardian and a guide.
Here it is used like the title to reflect the quality of introspective questioning. That quality that looks at life like a self discovery test.
It can also be transleted with the question:"What the situation in which I am is showing of myself?"
Ianus is ultimatly an attitude, a meditative attitude.
Posted by
12:43 AM
Labels: Ianus
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
What is relevant?
In the acceptance of the circumstances the path to expansion within the given scheme is available.
One there 50% of the work is done. Keeping that spiritual aim, focusing on that realization will nurish the insights, unfolding the construction of an higher ground.
Change is natural, but to use change as growth food it is an art, it is the art of acceptance.
Posted by
6:27 AM
Labels: inspirational
Sunday, August 12, 2007
All dimensions
Many faces,
unlimited doors,
waves upon waves, million of informations.
From platform to platform, and step by step.
What is existential?
Posted by
5:07 PM
Labels: Questions
another day
Where one is,
in the landscape where one finds himself,
there is always the opportunity to let love pass ...
for sharing, for happiness, in life, for growth.
In the challenges,
at the bottom or at the top, allways a key for a new door is at hand.
We play this life, form to form passing eachother the football of love.
We have allways beeing part of a team.
Let the mind open its eye, this alone is the contact of bliss on earth.
Posted by
4:55 PM
Labels: inspirational
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Tough ears
Sometimes you have to say something.
It is cathartic, it is a way also to connect within.
If there is no listener, existence will be enough.
Moments are coming when the temple needs a sweep. When a dry field needs water.
In some extreme weather situations, farmers prepare the fields anyway, they need to, as an invitation and prayer and as a participation. It happens because it is difficult to read the weather, or because you are indeed only a young farmer in a new environment and you still need to learn how to decode your ecology.
There are moments when it is time to let go, but something still holds on. It varies from individual to individual, one cannot tell, but there are stubborn caracters, for whom life suggestions are hard to hear.
As a person one can act in each of the above roles.
The key is to have enough self knowledge to know in time which is your role. It may pass long time before the correct response can take place, and nobody wants to waste his/ her time working arid soil.
I'm not a farmer, I've planted trees though, and designed gardens, but I know the soul landscape, and there is not much difference.
Some souls are not capable to hear, some are, some will, some may never.
I've been the speaker and the listener, the stubborn and the sharp, now I have space to share, now something changed, and instead of sitting silent, I sit and write.
To the nothingness that now receives without response I send with these words also love.
Posted by
7:11 PM
Labels: Contemplative
Friday, August 10, 2007
There are always questions, first steps and glimpses.
And it is all a matter of growth.
Recognizing the growth and its essence is a matter of intelligence.
This process is natural.
This is the process of life.
There is nothing new here, it is just another voice in this ocean of human souls.
Another center, another magnet, cocreating with its fellows platforms and steps.
The signal is out.
Welcome to the unfolding mistery from now on.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Labels: Welcome